CARP CARP CARP!! I'm not really a fan of these commercial, easy to catch fat things but put them in a river and they're a whole new creature. They become a kind of super sized barbel, that'll really test your tackle. A few carp have been caught from the river (from a well known swim) but all in the traditional way with a 1000 rods out and bivvys everywhere, I like more of a challenge! Armed with a little stepped up trotting set up and waders you can explore the river and have fun. I tend to fish with minimal gear; rod, net, bag and waders, this is perfect for my short unplanned trips when I the have time. I gear myself up for roving for some chub with a match/avon rod on the stick with 4lb line and a tub of worms, and if Mr carp comes along I can test my angling skills. In the spring all the roach, bream and chub come up from the turning basin and ship canal to the city centre to spawn and so do some huge carp. I'm not sure if they come to spawn to or if they just follow all the other fish but they allow for some great fun in the summer. Anyway here are a few good fish I've had in 2014 :)

A cracking slab around 7lb
You don't need fancy carp gear to catch beauties like this!
I actually caught this one with 8lb line and my jw young barbel on freelined crust... cheating!
Caught this one on a quick shopping trip into town, had a little look at the river saw some fish, had some gear in the car... BOOM! one big fish, one pissed of mate
A nice long lean common
Caught my fair share of chub last year.
And one of my best perch 2lb+
Good to see you bloging again. You don't half catch some good fish, I hadn't thought about the Irwell having Carp.
ReplyDeleteMight see u down there this year Adam. Floats ready by the way pal. 😉
ReplyDeleteMight see u down there this year Adam. Floats ready by the way pal. 😉